“In 1792, 1793, and 1794, the celebrated English navigator Vancouver, being sent out by government, explored, surveyed, and sounded the Strait of Juan of Fuca, to the head of Puget’s Sound, and every mile of all the intricate windings of this coast. It may be said without exaggeration, that, in the world, there is not to be found a more extensive and complex system of internal navigation. The labyrinth of bays, sounds, inlets, creeks, and harbours,–promontories, islands, and land tongues, with the countless sinuosities of land and water, show it to be a perfect network.”
John Dunn, History of the Oregon Territory and British North-American Fur Trade with an Account of the Habits and Customs of the Principal Native Tribes on the Northern Continent, London, Edwards and Hughes, 1846, pg. 298