Another photo from past travels. This is from one of my favorite spots on Earth, where I spanned what is normally a great gap with a single short walk. It is also the place that gave the world the words thing and booth.
Any thoughts of where?
Friday Photo 10-10
8 thoughts on “Friday Photo: The world splits apart”
Yes, Thingvellir in Iceland, where you can walk from the North American plate to the European plate. Way cool, plus a beautiful place.
Craters of the Moon, Idaho?
Robert, Same rock, basalt, but much much further east. David
It reminds me lot of the rift valley called Þingvellir in Iceland.
That is an excellent observation.
I was going to say Iceland also.
Yeah, it is an amazing spot and one that should be any geologist’s bucket list.
It’s Thingvellir in the southwest of Iceland. The canyon is called Almannagjá.
Yes, Thingvellir in Iceland, where you can walk from the North American plate to the European plate. Way cool, plus a beautiful place.