The Puget Sound. Puget’s Sound. Puget Sound. What is the name of the waterway that George Vancouver designated as Puget’s Sound in his journal of May 29, 1792? As he so often does, my pal Knute Berger has found a fine little controversy to address in his fabulous history shorts on KCTS 9. Check it out. And, like Knute, I discourage the use of THE in front of Puget. THE Sound is okay but not THE Puget Sound.
Category: Street-Smart Naturalist Blog
Late but great news
Wow, I just discovered that Seattle Walks was the number 5 bestseller at Island Books in 2017. That’s an amazing honor. (Mostly I am simply pleased to beat out that guy named Tom Hanks.) Thank you to the store and their great support of regional authors. We are so blessed in the Seattle area to have so many astounding local independent bookstores. Let’s do all we can to support them, particularly on April 28, Independent Bookstore Day.